The “Fille de Feu” a Mythical sailboat

My Siesta Years by Jean-Michel LAPORTE

The “Fille de Feu” a Mythical sailboat

March 4 2021 Girl on Fire The Beach 0

La Fille de Feu, a Mythical sailboat

The history of this mythical sailboat alone requires a blog!

There will surely be a lot of articles here about this boat which once belonged to Errol Flynn … Here are some pictures already … to follow

La Fille de Feu – Mythical Raft of La Siesta

La Fille de Feu -Under construction

La Fille de Feu – Shipwreck

La Fille de Feu: Radeau Mythique de La Siesta

La Fille de Feu En Chantier

La Fille de Feu Naufrage


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