My Siesta years

Discover the video produced by Jean-Michel Laporte about this site which marked the generation from the 60s to the 90s and gave birth to the “Myth of La Siesta”

 Watch the video

Blog with Photos and Videos

Relive the “Siesta Years” in the form of blog Articles, enriched with many period photos and videos produced by Jean-Michel Laporte

 Check it out

Photo books and Logbook

Long before creating this blog, Jean-Michel offered his friends magnificent souvenir books. Today he decides to share them with you …

 Browse the albums
Jean-Michel Laporte shares his Siesta Years
Read my foreword

From 1960 to 1970 I photographed and filmed the daily life of la Siesta

Due to Covid, La Siesta was unable to celebrate its 60th anniversary in July 2020.
To allow you to rediscover beautiful memories of your youth, to relive meetings and wonderful moments, I decided to create this blog about my Siesta Years from 1960 to 1970 with pictures and films. This is a way to explain the MYTH of La Siesta.
Then, many of you experienced the years from 1971 to 1995 while the HEART of La Siesta was still beating, followed by the years from 1998 to 2020. In this way, I hope to share with you some moments of happiness and carefree life that marked this time and all of us would like to relive them in order to rediscover the enthusiasm and magic of these moments.

The Siesta Generation Team

The documents for this blog are provided by Jean-Michel Laporte.
We must thank the people who help bring it to life as well as the current owners of La Siesta, the JOA Group, not to mention Nice-Matin who wrote a wonderful article at the end of the year 2020, full of joy, happiness and memories to celebrate the 60th anniversary of its creation.

Francine LAPORTE

The Wife of Pierre Laporte

Public Relations of la Siesta, she accompanied Pierre Laporte for 14 years. She helped to give its fame to La Siesta.


Journalist, former employee of la Siesta

He was employed by La Siesta as a restaurant clerk in 1969 and 1970 and is part of the large family of La Siesta.


Communication & Web Designer

“For me, outlining La Siesta I only knew at the end of its disco life is a way of cultivating nostalgia for a lighter time …”

Le Karting de la Siesta


Club, restaurant, plage…


Stars, disco, fêtes et évènements



employees during summer time


1  night  in nightclub admissions


meals served every day

Let us know

Do you have some memories to share? Contact us … With your permission, we will publish them. And we never know…. this might be an opportunity to see some old friends again ..


    Mes Années Siesta Par Jean-Michel